Thursday, August 28, 2008

Start of the library 2.0 journey

I thought I would start by answering the questions posed on the introduction to the library 2.0 program

What do you hope to learn from the program?

I have some knowledge of many of the topics listed in this program but I would like to see where the gaps are and to learn more about using them for both my professional duties as well as personal. I think it is very important for everyone in the library industry to embrace this technology and the way our library patrons use it

What do you think about Lifelong Learning?

I believe if we do not always strive to learn more about what our community is doing then we will find ourselves out of touch with them and not delivering the services and assistance that is required. If we wish to do our jobs at the best of our ability then we must learn continually. It's also a fantastic opportunity to connect with others not only in our idustry but from all over the world

What other blogs have you discovered? What do you like about them?

I have seen and used a number of different blogs. I like the information that can be constantly updated on these blogs as the newest one just keeps being added. I also like the interactivity that can happen when blogs are used to share ideas and thoughts and provoke discussion

Can you see a use for blogs inside the Library?

Many many libraries use blogs and the library I am connected to has several that are used for specific purposes as well as general information. Blogs are a chance for staff to not only inform and disseminate information but also to interact with those that are using the information

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Great to see you are thinking things through and sharing your thoughts with others.

Ellen (PLS)