Friday, February 26, 2010


Again a useful way of combining lots of different elements together in the one place.Again very useful for libraries to use but also fun and interesting. Not only does it need to be practical and easy to use but it needs to have that extra little bit to get people interested in what is on there


It is interesting to find ways of tracking how web sites, blogs, etc are going. As others have said we all really want to connect with other users and if no one is then we peobably need a rethink. I found all the applications easy to use and can really see the benefits of being able to do this. At work we have used surveymonkey a few times and it is very helpful, and easy to use.


I have used this quite extensively to coordinate a lot of my resources, websites and it is handy but I like the interactive part and looking at what others are looking at and the tage they use. I think it is the sharing aspect that appeals the most and is the cornerstone of library 2.0, 2.1, and beyond. I also like the fun element that is also built in and I think it is important not to forget that.


I have had a twitter account at home but found that I was not looking at it frequently enough or really saw the benefits for me. Certainly I see why users would have it on their mobile phones, etc as it is meant to be looked at straight away and why people are using it so much. Unfortunately we cannot access twitter at work due to restrictions but we have started using .
Our library manager started us off on it and we have been using it to keep in touch with each other concerning interesting technology, surveys, articles, websites, etc. This has been from my perspective an excellent way to see what others are looking at but also to comment and interact. For me at a branch it has been a good way to still feel connected to the central library and what is happening that day rather than waiting for it to reach us.

Starting library 2.1

I enjoyed going back and recreating the look of my blog. There does seem to be a lot more opitons in terms of adjusting the look and feel of the blog. I enjoyed looking at all the templates and choosing some new additions. I do not use blogs personally or professionally at the moment but have in the past and certainly our library does (we have a new childrens blog you should take a look at)